Today - 2 hour practice
Monday - Game about 45mins away from home
Tuesday - 2 hour practice
Wednesday - Free day - yeah!
Thursday - game (some fancy cup game - have no idea what that is)
Friday - preparing for tournament
Saturday - Tournament - 2 games minimum
Sunday - Tournament - one game minimum
Note - tournament in 2 hours away
He has gotten such praise for his improvement and we were told by the coach this week that he is the most positive force on the team and they are thrilled to have him. He told us that Kaedo will never have to try out again if he wants to continue next year and that he was the only one who doesn't complain about their runs, practices, drills or instruction. I am so proud of him and how he has conducted himself. He's amazing.
So, a busy week ahead. I feel bad for Sterling but he doesn't seem to care. He hangs out with his buddies, bikes, and on practice nights comes to Bville with me and we have two hours of mom and Sterling time. For now it is working out. Wish us luck! Here's to another "top shelf" goal!
WISHING YOU LUCK!! What a busy, busy week ahead for you all. Good luck with all your playing Kaeden - we'll be hoping to hear from you after you score your goal. It is nice having quality time with Sterling and what a good brother to go along for the cheering section.
We just got home about an hour ago from our trip to Wolsely, SK to Dylan & Michelle's wedding. It was an outdoor wedding out at a Circle Square Ranch. It turned out to be a very, very windy day and none of us heard anything of the ceremony at all - very disappointing. The wedding was at 2:00 and reception at 6:00 p.m. at the same place. It is about a 20 minute drive from Wolsely to Ranch, so after wedding we went back to our motel and played some games. We should have known to change into pants for the reception because it was outside in a big tent. Us girls had dresses and sandals on and between swatting at mosquitoes and the wind blowing through - it took us a long time to warm up later. The meal was delicious but we had to walk quite aways to another building to pick it up and by the time we got back to the tent, it was cold. They planned on having a dance but everyone was getting so cold that hardly anyone stayed for it. Leonard, Sheila & Danelle and Stan & I were the only ones who stayed to watch the bride and groom dance and then Leonard & family left. Stan & I had one dance and then visited for abit and were back at our motel by 10:30 p.m. We were up and on the road by 10:00 this morning and drove to Regina to a Bonanza for buffet lunch. Now I'm getting things unpacked and Stan's outside washing all the bugs off the car.
Hope you had a fun weekend and we'll be in touch with you later - love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
You do have a busy week in the soccer department. Enjoy! Personally I hated sitting in the rain and sleet and wind but we did enjoy watching you play.
Good for you Kaedo, however, we all knew your great attitude would be an asset to whatever team you played on. Mom and dad are so proud and we are also. We're thrilled you love it so much and love to hear you talk about your accomplishments on the field.
I can think of way worse things to do than hang out with your mom, eh Sterling. Sorry I bum dialled you today, that was tough to do since it was in my purse. Talk with you tomorrow.
Love to all
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