Tuesday, 26 April 2011

week 31

Week 31 and the weather is rainy. Sterling had a school project to work on and spent 2 hours out in the rain filming his project. By the time we got a chance to take this picture he was soaked - as you can see by his shoulders. Kaedo wanted Ketchup in the photo this week so here he is.

We are expecting rain for the rest of the week but Craig says the rain is supposed to get better for his football game on Saturday. Here's hoping. I'm just happy it's not snow!


GrmpaGrmma said...

You buys look great! Ditto re: SNOW!! We had a beautiful sunny day with no wind yesterday and we enjoyed it thoroughly! This morning when we got up, it was sunny with not much wind. Kelly & Petrica left around 10:30 and we took the boys to their favorite place for lunch, home for Caleb to have a nap and me a haircut and by the time I got home from my haircut, it had turned dark with heavy clouds and the wind had got up. Around supper it started to drizzle but didn't amount to much but it does smell so fresh and spring like.

We've got the boys with us till Friday and we'll head up to Saskatoon to meet Kelly & Petrica for lunch. We have a b'day party on Thursday to go to and not sure what we'll do tomorrow but I'm sure they'll keep Grampa & Gramma busy.


Denis & Irene said...

Ketchup really adds to the photo you guys, almost as good looking as you two.

Love to all