Monday, 4 April 2011

How many ways can you say proud?

Yesterday Sterling, Kaedo and a friend headed off to our neighborhood skate park to bike and scooter. This is something that occurs regularly and it's no big deal for us to let them go. The age ranges at the park vary widely. From young kids there with their parents to teen and tweenagers, to young adults. While I don't love the fact that some older kids hang out there, it has never been a problem. Until yesterday. The kids had planned to go for a pizza mid-way through their day and Sterling called and asked if they could come home. I said yes, of course but inquired why. "Some kid is smoking a bong here and we don't want to be around it". Now I know the kid was using a bong and smoking the drugs, but I understood what Sterling meant. He explained that the kid was smoking up at the park and that him, his friend and Kaedo didn't feel good about being there. He said they were going to go back to the park from the pizzeria and if he was still there, they would come home. To say I was proud of the choices they made is an understatement. They have both been through a 'Racing Against Drugs' program in school and this was a sure indication that they were listening and had learned a thing or two. My kids ROCK!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Good for Sterling, Kaeden and their friend for being so smart! Also thank goodness that the school has shown them the Racing Against Drugs program to help them recognize what was going on. YOUR KIDS DO ROCK!!! Tell them grampa and gramma are proud of them as well for being so grown up.

We're heading out this morning by 8:45 - me to Line Dancing and dad to his yearly checkup, then coffee after and then come home and get our Income Tax done.

Hope you have a great day and give the boys extra hugs today from us! BIG HUGS TO ALL!