Thursday, 14 April 2011

Happy Birthday Mom


Today my beautiful mom is 65. While I am sure I can think of 65 wonderful things to say about her, I will do 6 instead - one for every decade.

1. Mom, you have always been a source of support, compassion and love.

2. You are my own personal cheering section and have never let me down.

3. You are a wonderful Amma - my boys are so lucky to have you.

4. You have always put your children first and it has taught me to do the same with my own.

5. You are a wonderful friend and confidante.


6. To me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world!

I love you - have a wonderful birthday!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Happy Birthday Irene - glad we caught you and you didn't hang up thinking it was some obscene phone call! Wishing you a wonderful day and a fantastic year ahead!!

Denis & Irene said...

Wow! Thank you so very much, they are beautiful words that I appreciate more than you know. I just love that photo. It was great hearing your voice today also, so much better than texting, however, I love that daily ritual. Nothing major planned for today as our life always seems to be one big party. How fortunate we are to have good health.

Great hearing from you Stan and Shirley. Thank you for thinking of me. Look forward to getting together sometime this summer.

Love to all