Thursday, 24 February 2011

Biking Begins

When I picked Sterling up from school yesterday his first question was if he could go biking with his buddies. The weather was good and I knew how anxious he was to get out there, so I told him to go for it. He got out his bike and his gear, pumped up his tires and headed out to join some friends on the first ride of the year. He had a great time and now that I have learned I will be working in the centre one day next month, I am sure he will be asking if he can take his bike to school. Hopefully the weather stays good and that's a possibility.

Here's a picture of Sterling and the new bike he got from Amma and Baba for his 8th birthday. I can't believe that was five years ago! Yikes!


GrmpaGrmma said...

WHAT!!!! Bikes out?? It is -38 with wind chill factor here!!! We think we have lots of snow BUT P.A. has tons and tons more than us. We got home from P.A. around 3:00 p.m. today, we've got things all unpacked and catching up on e-mails, mail/mail and checking out the blogs. It was a busy, busy week but also lots of fun. We've got some tough Sask fellows this morning. Petrica wanted a photo of grampa, daddy and his boys all on their skates on their skating rink. We got them all dressed, skates on and it was -26 with wind chill of -36, they went out on the ice and Petrica got some great photos - hope to see them on the blog Kelly!

Looks like you had a wonderful Family Day with your meal out and being with family.

Kelly & Petrica had a date night last night and they went to the same show you guys did and recommended that we try and take it in. I've seen it advertised and thought it looked good so we'll have to see how it goes.

Hope your short week went well - nice visiting with you on Skype and we'll chat with you on Sunday. BIG HUGS TO ALL - love you lots!

Denis & Irene said...

Wow! How many bikes ago was that? Great that you can get out and peddle, we haven't done a whole lot of it this winter, just using them to peddle into Mexico and back so we can avoid the long pedestrian line ups.

We are now in Parker, Az so we won't be going to Mexico for lunch anymore. We stopped for lunch at the Yacht Club in Quartzsite today, perfect name for a place a million miles from water. The food was great as usual.

Went to see Unknown last evening, only $4. per person and stadium seating. My stomach was in a knot when it was over as it's quite fast paced with lots of action. Really enjoyed the King's Speech a while back also. Had a fun late lunch at Lutes prior to the show and then to the Q for a bit of gambling afterwards. I've been marking down my wins and losses and although I'm in the red it works out to very little an hour for the entertainment it offers.

We've had no luck with Skype down here so bought a phone for $20. and 1040 minutes for $100. We figured that would be plenty but it was all used up in less than a month so we had to go and buy more minutes. We'll be able to keep the same phone number every year as long as we have minutes in it. I think every Canadian down here has one.

Congratulations again Kaedo! So happy for you. You've worked hard and it's paid off. We're so happy for you.

Hope the weather warms up for everyone.

Love to all