Tuesday 15 February 2011

More Lego

Kaedo decided this weekend that he would like to get some more Lego. As you can tell from the pictures, we don't need any more. However, he could not be swayed and he was spending his own money. I took him up to Wal-Mart on Sunday and he bought a new Atlantis set. He and Sterling spent about an hour last night digging through their piles looking for the perfect pieces for their creations. Sterling made the great airplane. I love Lego - can't say it often enough. The best toy EVER!


GrmpaGrmma said...

WOW - look at all that Lego but what a great investment for the boys to spend hours playing with it and making such wonderful creations - lots of fun time together!

Love you lots - BIG HUGS!

Denis & Irene said...

We never went to Legoland when Jessica and the girls were here at Xmas as Emma's not that interested but I know it would be numero uno on our list if the boys came. Lots to do there I bet.

I've been trying to keep up with the dates on the blog but I always seem to be a day behind or ahead so I'm copping out and will finish with this one.

Thursday we went 4 wheeling with Ted and Cheryl, not Friday. Friday we went to Algodonos with Dave and Dayle. Had a great lunch and then met up with Pete and Roz. Saturday we went to the market with Dave and Dayle and they came for supper. Sunday we hiked the Painted Desert Trail with Dave, Dayle and the Dogs, went to Lake Martinez for our picnic then to the Proving Grounds to show them the display there. They are leaving Monday so we split up as they had to go for groceries. They came over after supper for a couple of hours and they were gone by the time we got up yesterday morning. Yesterday was the Canadian Snowbird Association meeting and show. Pete and Roz came with us and it was a great afternoon. We did a few groceries then met them back at the Q for a drink. Today, Tuesday, we're just hanging out. Denis wants to remodel something on the solar panel. We had to stand it up as the sun is too low in the sky to get a really good charge and he wants to make some modifications. He was also keen to wax the motorhome. Good thing someone does some work at our place. We've been invited out for supper tonight and the rest of the week is booked. Some fun things, some have to do things. When I run out of unders I know I have to do laundry. When I leave here I'm going to buy some more. When the laundry basket overflows we just throw the clothes in the back of the car, you can imagine what the car smells like, lucky for sun roofs.

Great weather as usual. We leave here on the 24th and by then it will be a little warmer than I like. Our tentative plan is to head to Parker on the Colorado River. We like it there but we're loving it here as well. Choices, choices, can't decide. Might have to suffer through a little hot weather, we'll see what everyone else is doing.

Love to all