Saturday, 19 February 2011

Report Card Report

Well, report cards have come and I am a happy mama.
Some of the highlights -

* Sterling got all E (excellent) in the 6 skills area of the report - really the only thing I care about. 2 years ago we were dealing with N's (needs improvement)

* For someone who doesn't like school, Kaedo pulled very respectable marks - As, B and Cs

* Sterling made the honor roll and had 11 As (yes, 11)

* Kaedo had great comments by his teacher about how terrific he is

* Sterling got great comments about what a remarkable student he is

* Kaedo got D's in Math - but we're going to get that pulled up

* Sterling needs to learn to come out of his comfort zone a bit

***AND most Importantly - They ROCK!!!

This weekend is filled with soccer practice, a botched football game for Craig, the purchase of new Tulips, an hour spent in the mall and Chapters searching for a good read for my KOBO and the boys spending the evening with Craig watching all the shows I don't like.

Tomorrow we plan to see a movie and go out for dinner for a report card celebration. Craig received a $50 GC for some hard work he had done, and I wont a $25 one for the same place, so we are going to take the boys for dinner tomorrow night. Monday we will get to sleep in again and may catch another movie. We have 10 free movie passes, so we will definitely be checking out some flicks.

Hope you have a great family Day weekend

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...


Sounds like another busy, busy weekend and lots of fun and hopefully a little bit more sleep than usual.

We're heading up to Kelly & Petrica's tomorrow morning around 8:00 a.m. to spend some time with them during the break. Also renovations to their bathroom will be top on the agenda. When we arrive tomorrow, we're all going to a hockey game in the afternoon. We're hoping for good weather back and forth without any snow! If things work out, maybe we could do Skype with the boys tomorrow or Monday. Last week when we were talking to Jacob on Skpe, he asked if Sterling & Kaeden were here. We said no they weren't here but just pictures of them and I brought them into the computer room to show him.

Have a wonderful Family Day together - love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!