Saturday, 26 February 2011

I should have seen this coming

Kaedo is my huggy child. He always kisses me goodbye when he gets out of the van in the morning and is always available for a hug and smooch. Yesterday morning when we arrived at school his buddies were working the 'kiss and ride' program. Once he saw them in front of us he jumped out of the car with barely a wave and no smooch. Man, I thought he would still be kissing me goodbye in University. boo hoo

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

He'll NEVER stop loving you whether he hugs and smooches in public or not - he's always been the cuddly boy from when he was small. It's sad seeing them grow up so quickly but we know it has to happen. Having two boys growing up, we still love to get those hugs from them even when they're big. KEEP HUGGIN!! As always - BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!!