Wednesday 6 October 2010


Week 2 - the kids are gorgeous - I love this weekly snapshot into their lives. Still haven't gotten a new gnome. Kaedo says it is on the agenda for this weekend. He knows the one he wants. We'll have to see if it's on sale. Happy Wednesday everyone. This is the first Wednesday I have worked in a long time. So far so good. Loving it!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

We love the gnome photos too and yes, they are gorgeous.

Happy Wednesday to you also. Nothing exciting here, just chores today. I'll send an e-mail of a portrait of Grandma that someone painted. It's very good. A photographer took some photos of her also. He wanted the seniors to be doing what they love to do, even brought in a loom for one lady. Needless to say, grandma is outside soaking up the rays. She takes after her mom and I take after both of them. I love being outside, period. Doesn't matter if it's rain or shine as long as I'm out. I know you don't mind staying home Shannon.

Love to all