...said the spider to the fly. Big ass spider. He/she has taken to living in our front yard. A web has been spun from the cream separator to the tree. Thank god it hasn't made it's way into our house. I don't know what I'd do if that happened. This is not a trick picture. That is really the size. We used Kaedo's hand as a gauge so you can see how big it is. I have come to check everyday to make sure it is still in the web instead of MIA. I'm happy to see it spinning it's web. OUTSIDE.
That is toooooo ugly!! He looks very, very scary and not just a plain old daddy long legs! Kaeden was brave to put his hand behind him.
Hope you're having a wonderful day - love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
GROSS!!!!! By the way thanks for the card and the gift certificates. My favorite . . . sports and coffee! Hey Craig not sure if your jersey is coming in. They said the original one was out of stock so I tried another. No word but the other jerseys came yesterday without the Miami one. I am inquiring about it with my Chinese friend and will let you know if it is still coming.
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