Wednesday 20 October 2010

Medic Alert

We finally ordered a new bracelet for Sterling about 10 days ago. He has worn a Medic Alert bracelet since he was about 6 months old. I remember him wearing it around his ankle so he wouldn't try to rip it off. I have a love/hate relationship with Medic Alert. I love that if anything ever happens to him, the emergency services people who assist him will have access to his records and will better be able to help him. I hate that he wears a Medic Alert bracelet. I don't want him to have to. I don't want there to be anything 'wrong' with him. This time around it was especially hard. While we don't live in denial, we had hoped to never have to add Tourette's to his bracelet, but when I placed the new order I did. I'm sure I felt heavy hearted when we had to update his bracelet to add peanut allergy, but this really hurt. I don't know why this was such a kick in the stomach. When Sterling asked why we had added it, I explained that because he was taking medication for it, it needed to be on his bracelet in case he ever got hurt and had to be given something. He understood and has always been so great about it. He's a special kid and I am so proud of how he takes it in stride and goes on about his life. I could learn a thing or two from him.


Denis & Irene said...

We can all learn a thing or two or three from him. He takes what you tell him at face value because he trusts his family and know they will never try to hide the facts as much as they may want to sometimes. I hate that you had such a hard time putting extra warnings on his bracelet. I love the fact that you did it even though it was tough. We've never experienced this kind of thing and we wish you didn't have to either. There really is nothing "wrong" with him, he just needs a little extra care. He has the perfect parents to help him with that.

Another beautiful day in southern Alberta,hope it keeps up for a while longer. Only six more sleeps and we'll be there. We're really looking foreard to it.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

BIG HUGS FROM US SHANNON!! We as well never had to experience the medic alert bracelet with both boys. They both had allergies but nothing that a little Dimatap didn't fix. Sterling is a very strong young fellow and like Irene says - he has the perfect parents to help him adjust to anything that life deals out to him.

Love you all so much!

muneebahmed2 sevice said...

I like to recommend exclusively fine plus efficient information and facts, hence notice it: medic alert