Thursday, 15 April 2010

Mish Mash

Hi everyone - just some miscellaneous pictures of our weekend. The weather was beautiful this past weekend and the boys spent a lot of time outside on Saturday. Kaedo was sick on Sunday so he stayed in, but Sterling went to a friends house to ride bikes and was then invited for supper, so he had a great Sunday.
These strawberries were the biggest strawberries I had ever seen. They look great don't they. I was able to get a big box for $2.99, so they boys have been enjoying them in their lunches with some icing sugar. They love to dip the strawberries.

Kaedo has really taken up drawing and has bought his own sketch pad and pencils at a local art store. Craig is a great artist and so on Sunday they say down and decided to draw Woody from Toy Story. Kaedo really loves this time that he gets to spend with Craig and he has a great collection of drawings he has done.

Sterling checking out the action - about 1pm and still in his PJs. He hasn't shown any interest in joining Craig and Kaedo in their drawing but does like to check out their progress. He looks so old in this picture. 12.5. Can't believe it.

This one is for you Craig. Great picture of your tattoos.

The boys spent a lot of Saturday playing on the trampoline. They are loving it this year.

We have been so blessed with our weather. I am loving it and the boys are too. I am sorry to hear that our family in the West have been hit with snow but I am glad to see the grass turning green and our plants starting to come up. I guess Spring really has Sprung.


GrmpaGrmma said...

GREAT PHOTOS!! and those strawberries look like you could just pick them right out of the photo. Kaeden's becoming the real little artist - just like his dad and yes - Sterling looks so grown up in that picture.

We finally have a sunny, blue sky day but the wind is still cool. I guess we can be happy there's no snow but wished it would warm up.

Just heading out to do shop for a Jack & Jill shower gift for Nathan and Pam - the shower is on Saturday. We're meeting Robert & Barb to try and figure out something together.

Speaking of Robert & Barb - they are grandparents again - Curtis & Carrie had a little boy on April 13th - 7 lbs. 9 oz. - Evan Michael and everyone is doing well.


Denis & Irene said...

Super photos. What's that deformity on your shoulder Craig? Your brother-in-law has one on his shoulder too. Actually it looks like your artwork. Hope it's not too catching Kaedo. Sterling, it's hard to believe you're only 12-1/2. The strawberries really are amazing this year...think of the hormones they've ingested.

Our state of emergency is such that there is not a flake of snow here at the park, Denis is sitting out reading in his lawn chair and I'm getting ready for our supper companions. Lots of traffic pulling in today, it is so great to see everyone. The snowbirds should all be home this week to 10 days. Ted and Cheryl pulled in a couple of hours ago and although they have a home in Lethbridge, they are staying in the park for a couple of weeks. There really is something about this lifestyle. We know it's not for everyone or even the majority, but if it's your thing, it's amazing. A poll conducted down south said that 78% of people would love to try the RV lifestyle. I think only 10% would succeed after one year...if that. We love it more every year.

Spring really has come to Ontario and has been around for awhile. We are expecting spring conditions for the weekend. Here's hoping.

Love to all