Wednesday 7 April 2010

Week 28

Good morning all. Week 28. Sterling looks like he just rolled out of bed and maybe he did. Tuesday's we have to get going a little earlier in the morning with having to take the bus and going to work.
All is well in our neck of the woods. The boys are doing great, Craig is well and I am doing good too.
Got a surprising call last night from Sandylion. I have been asked to do some freelance work for them, so I am going to be doing some work for them in the coming weeks. A large project for a chain of craft stores in the USA as well as possibly another video. It is going to be busy but one can always use the extra money.
Not too much else going on here. Sterling had a parent teacher meeting this morning and it went well, so I was happy about that, and we have our weekly appointment this afternoon so the boys are getting out of school 10 minutes early. They love that. Kaedo especially as he has music.
Hope you all have a happy Wednesday.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Sterling, I hope you still fit in the bed in the motorhome....I hope you still fit in the motorhome. My goodness, either the camera angle is off or else you've grown tons. Lookin' good you guys!

I'm happy for you Shannon, however, (don't you hate that word) I hope you'll take time for yourself as well as work. It just goes to prove what I've always told are soooo talented. Lucky for Sandylion that you're able to do the project. Congratulations.

Weather is windy, very windy but not freezing. Income tax is all done, appointments made. It'll be a busy two weeks before we leave here.

Love to all