Thursday, 8 April 2010


What a day. It started off with Kaedo and I taking Ketchup to the vet at 8am. He cried (Ketchup, not Kaedo) and hugged me like a little baby when we took him in. Poor guy. Returned home to get the kids ready and off to the bus so I could go to work. Left for work and for some dumbass reason the traffic was moving at 40km/hr all the way to Scarborough. I ended up getting to work with only 15 minutes to spare. I like to be there at least 20 minutes early. I drove around and around for 15 minutes looking for a parking spot but there were none to be found. I ended up parking across the street in what I thought was a closed jail parking lot. I finally rushed in at 10:10am - frazzled. I told one of my co-workers about my parking situation and she said "you can't park there, they'll tow you". Aaaahhhh - so out I went again to try and find a spot and ended up parking down a side street. I thought I might be able to get back into work with my boss being none the wiser but it turns out in my single minded quest to find a parking space I didn't see my boss drive by and wave to me. Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed.

I talked to Kaedo after school and he reminded me that we had forgotten to ask the vet if he could have Ketchup's tooth. So, guess what he did? He asked me if he could call the vet and ask about the teeth and that's just what he did. He called them up, explained who he was and requested that they hold on to the teeth so he could take them to school tomorrow to show his friends. To say they are gross is an understatement. The vet doesn't clean up the teeth like the dentist does.

Well, our poor Ketchup is back home with us. He had quite a day. We went into his appointment thinking he would only have to have the one tooth pulled and it ended up he needed 11. That's right folks - ELEVEN. To say that Craig and I were shocked is the understatement of the century. The guilt we have over it is huge. Oh well. He is doing better now and Craig says he now just looks like a hockey player - missing his front teeth.


Denis & Irene said...

Glad everything went well for Ketchup. Guilt is a useless emotion so don't waste time with it. He's happy and healthy and just glad to be home. He loves you to bits and doesn't think any of this was your fault, so don't you think so either.

Had a lovely dinner with Rod and Jan, it's so nice getting together with good friends. We left their place and our car had snow on it. At least the wind had stopped blowing. It doesn't seem cold enough for snow.

Got more business done today, I think we're actually on track instead of putting it off to watch the Masters. Haven't watched golf since Tiger last played...I guess I'm not the only one. Golf has really suffered since his absence. Doesn't say much for a sport that depends on one player for it's survival.

Love to all

KPJC said...

Too bad for Ketchup, I thought there might be a picture of his new tough look. Sorry that you had a bad day - at least your boss waved at you instead of giving you some other sort of gesture!!!!!

It is a cold day here as a wicked weather system is hitting the Northern part of Western Canada. I think we are getting the edge of it - no snow yet, but talk of it scares people. Maybe our summer has passed!!!!!!

Hopefully get a chance to watch some golf today, but truly not a big fan of Tiger these days and sorry to say Denis and Irene I kind of enjoyed watching the golf without Tiger because we got to see coverage of other golfers - Weir, Mickelson... However I do agree that his talent blow the other guys away. He missed out playing competitively for quite awhile and he is still threatening the top of the leader board!!!

Sorry off on a tangent. Say hi to the family and hope all is well.


Denis & Irene said...

I know what you're saying Kelly, I'm not much of a fan of his on a personal level either, in fact, I'm so disappointed in him. I agree with you as to his talent though, he's quite amazing. You're right, we do see more of the others when he's not playing but it's just not the same somehow without him. I'd like to nine iron him in the head, but I think that's already been done. They say it's his wife, but I have a feeling it might have been his mother..speaking as a mother of course.

KPJC said...

Very true and funny Irene. Did you see the creepy Nike commercial with his dad's voice talking to him! Not too sure about Nike's campaign to revitalize Tiger's image?