This is by far the worst weekly gnome picture yet! OMG as Kaedo would say. Thank god the boys don't check out the blog. They would be mortified!
Sorry about the long hiatus everyone. The week sort of got away from me. I am usually quite good making sure the blog gets my attention at least 5 days a week so I don't know what happened this week.
Craig said to me last night, "you sure have let the blog slide this week, haven't you". So, I do have a post coming up tomorrow with an oh-so-flattering picture of Craig as payback. My retort of course was that he could have stepped up. A chuckle was his answer.
Have a sick one at home today. Sterling really likes to go to school and was adamant that he was going to school this morning. Once he had gotten up and gone to the washroom he came to me and said, "mom, I don't think I can go to school today". That is a big thing for him. So, he is in bed, watching Star Trek and eating Halls. He has a real seal bark cough today. Poor guy.
Last but not least - Happy Birthday to MY MOM!!!!!
Please leave a comment wishing her a happy birthday. I know she reads the comments and would love your well wishes.
Oh, one more thing - there is always a race in our family to see who calls first on birthdays. Jessica beat me for dad's birthday but this morning I WAS FIRST! (OK, maybe it is just me competing against everyone else - ha!)
Doesn't matter how good or bad photos are - we love seeing them!!!
We do check the blog every day Shannon and sometimes more than once and are always glad when there's something new on there. You do a GREAT job and we love it.
Hope Sterling has a restful day and feels better tomorrow - big hugs to you Sterling!
I sent an e-mail to your mom this morning wishing her a Happy Birthday but here's another wish for you Irene!!! Have a great day and a fantastic year!
Dull & dreary here this morning - but a nice rain yesterday which makes everything look great and cleaner than it has been for a long time. After our dust/snow storm last Thursday - there is mud on everything. Hope the sun comes out soon.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear I-rene, Happy Birthday to you! I'll phone and sing to you for real tonight though after hearing me you might have preferred I just type it :) As far as the less than flattering pic goes, I didn't think it was possible to take a bad pic of me:( At any rate, I think Shannon forgets that I know the password to the blog and can always delete questionable content, especially with the time change, no one will ever know, wuahahahaha.
Thanks again Shirley and Stan.
Thank you also Craig. I haven't seen the photo, did you do the evil deed and delete. Very conceited saying you didn't think you could take a bad photo eh, pretty boy. You are too funny!
The state of emergency is a little overstated, the stores were closed until mid afternoon and there was no power. How is that an emergency? At this time, 4 p.m., we see green grass and white grass but the pavement is drying up and it sounds like we'll have good weather this weekend.
We have friends in for dinner tonight and tomorrow night and Friday we'll do birthday lunch. No use going for lunch if you're having a big supper. Went for great sushi yesterday with a dear friend, Lethbridge is getting some better restaurants. Denis and her husband went to Bully's for wings instead of sushi. Saturday we'll go to Calgary to visit mom and go to my sister Susan's for cake and coffee after supper. It is Jordyn's Sweet 16 and she is a sweetie.
Don't know where the time goes, we've been back for two weeks and it feels like yesterday. Time really does go by so fast.
The Klassens sure have great voices, individually as well as in harmony.
Love to all
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