Sunday 18 April 2010

Gettin' my BRAG on!

Sterling has always been mechanical. He has always loved to build things and has quite a collection of tools, including a Dremel and soldering gun. He is fascinated with how things work and can often be found sitting at the kitchen table with all his supplies around him building something or taking something apart. I was really impressed when he showed me this boat he built with some supplies he had and a coke bottle. It really is amazing. Check out the video to see how well it works. He is so very cool!


GrmpaGrmma said...

What a great job you did Sterling!! Way to go!

What a beautiful day we had here today - Stan & I went for our first bike ride and hope it's not our last. Last year I think we got in a couple of bike rides and I broke my foot!

Nice talking to you Craig - hope you have a great week!


Denis & Irene said...

You need a bigger tub. Good for you Sterling, you are very talented. You better start working on a huge shelf for all the awards you'll win for your amazing ideas. You and Kaeden check your e-mail for a neat car video I forwarded.

Moving day, all five kms. Going to Henderson which is in the right direction for Medicine Hat. Thought we were supposed to be here until tomorrow so made plans with friends for today and tomorrow. Our park is double the rate of Henderson for our time out so we thought we'd move over we've never been there and we would like to stay in all the parks in our book and there's 290 pages in the book this year. This has been the fastest three weeks and we've been sooo busy. We've been able to get together for a meal with just about everyone so it's been great.

Love to all