Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Vanilla Pudding Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Friday in the mail I got my new issue of What's Cooking. As J would say - food porn. I love this magazine (delivered for free by Kraft.Canada) and must go through it at least 3 times before deciding on what to make first. What I love about it is the recipes are simple but good, don't require a trip to a specialty store and are usually always on the "Make Again List'. As I had already made the cake on the cover before I received the magazine, I asked Sterling what sounded good to him. He was quick to reply 'Vanilla Pudding Choc. Chunk Cookies'. So, at 8pm on Friday night I was madly chopping chocolate (as seen above) and trying out this new recipe.

They were a huge hit with the kids, although Craig still prefers my standard Chipits cookies. I really love to cook and bake and make 'virtually' everything from scratch. I will admit that I can't make a Chicken Pot Pie for the cost of those beauties at Costco, so I have been known to toss one of those into the line-up. I actually prefer Costco's CPP than my own. Minus the peas of course. yuck!

Monday night I was out at a meeting and made a slow-cooker lasagna. Can you say "easy peasy lemon squeezy?" And, according to the fam it is definitely a make again! Yay!

Alright, enough of this food talk! I'm getting hungry. Too bad all the cookies are gone!

*** if you'd like me to post any of my recipes, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Your cookies sound delicious!! I would love to have your sloe cooker lasagna recipe. I finally bought a slow cooker with the removable centre which I love - so much easier to clean.

We got home after Line Dancing and coffee, Stan had a physio appt., I made a rhubarb/apple pie and lunch. Larry and Faye are coming over to play Marbles and Jokers and we'll have coffee, pie and ice cream for our coffee break. Faye and I have beat the boys quite a few times so they will be out for revenge.

We have snow on the first day of Spring:( not much but would still see the sun shining and temp above zero.

Hope you are all having a great day - Big Hugs To All!

Denis & Irene said...

I don't bake only because I'd have to eat It. It looks really good and that is a really good magazine. Just finished playing blackjack and am waiting for the water volleyball crowd to finish so that we can have a social hour. Sailboat regatta this Saturday so looking forward to that. Have to find the time and energy to do income tax before heading north.
Hope the weather is getting better, ours is awesome

Love to wall