Tuesday 18 March 2014

Hello Norman

Meet Norman. He is Kaedo's Venus Flytrap.  Kaedo has wanted one for as long as I can remember and when we came across them at our local garden centre he decided he just had to get one. We planted Norman in a mason jar and so far he is doing great. Kaedo mentioned this morning that one of Norman's mouths didn't have 'teeth' when he came home with us on Friday, but apparently they have now grown in. Thank god for that. I was so worried!

I've been advised that now we just need to let some flying bugs into the house so we can see this new pet in action. Gack! I don't think so. I think this will be one very bored Venus Flytrap.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Good luck with Norman. It will be interesting in the summer when doors are open and bugs come in, they will not last long in your house! I only have one plant in our house and the poor thing is barely hanging on. It is a Christmas cactus and it did not bloom at Christmas and I gave it a good talking to and said if it didn't bloom soon, it would be going in the garbage! I moved it to a different corner and guess what - it got 9 blossoms on it and looked beautiful so I will keep it for another year!

Heading out the door to go Line Dancing at the Care Centre.

Big hugs to all.

Denis & Irene said...

I love the new pet. Hope it does the job well. Great talking with you today, Shannon. Using the tablet for the first time, its great size wise but I like the keyboard on my laptop better. Another gorgeous day in paradise. This place is so great.

Love to all