Monday 3 March 2014

When I see this picture I think....

.... my what a pointy chin I have!

Me and 2 of my 3 guys yesterday on the deck. First pic with them and my snappy new 'do! Next weekend I want to get one of the 4 of us together. Even when I am not satisfied with the way I look, for whatever the reason, I am beginning listen to my MIL's not so casual insistence that she see more pictures of me with my fam. Shirley, I'll get your gorgeous son in the next one - I promise!

Back to ABBA, work and singing so poorly the dog is hiding. "if I had a little money... it's the rich man's world"!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Love the photo with you and your two guys and looking forward to seeing one of all of you!

You at least know the words to the songs you are singing - ask Craig, he would just hear a few of the words I knew and then the HUMMING would start!

Our day hasn't been too productive after this morning - very nice of the boys to call Grampa - that made him feel so much better.

Line Dancing tomorrow morning, Stan goes for coffee, I have a massage after Line Dancing, lunch at the Legion and then I go Line Dancing at the Pioneer Lodge in the afternoon. I still find it hard going over there but enjoy making a fun time afternoon for the people there.

Have a good day Tuesday - Big Hugs to everyone!

Denis & Irene said...

Read all the posts we'd missed this week due to all the hiking and lack of wifi. Awesome drawing, Kaedo and great photos, Sterling. We hiked 60 km. in the last 4 days and so today we're not doing our morning walk. We're heading to Yuma with our awning in the motorhome. Denis wants to see if it's salvagable. Don't know how it missed the satellite dish when it cartwheeled, but it did. It just fit inside with the slides open. On the road again.

Love to all