Friday 21 March 2014


Parent teacher night last night for Kaedo. Overall we were very pleased. Had a head to head with his math teacher and realized she has simply checked out, so there is no winning for anyone in that situation. Kaedo will have to work hard and just get through it. I will do my best to make sure he does not take another class with her.

His cooking teacher tells us he has some mad skillz and that he is very happy with him. His gym teacher tells us he is a born athlete and is doing amazing and his art teacher says he's a talented nice kid. You can't get too much better than that.

The above is a picture he painted in art class and I love it. I plan to hang it in the house when he brings it home. Very rad!

Happy Fragrance Day!


Denis & Irene said...

Awesome painting, Kaedo. You are truly talented. We are so proud of our grandchildren. Emma rocked At competition today. All four of you little and not so little ones are amazing. We are truly blessed

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Glad to hear you are doing well in your classes Kaeden! Hang in there with your math teacher and with the help of your big brother, you'll be okay. Your picture you painted in art class is really something - WOW!

We have some snow flakes coming down again this afternoon:( Hope it doesn't amount to anything. It's kind of nice seeing some grass and pavement again.

Heading out to a 90th b'day come and go tea for one of the Line Dancers. She quit Line Dancing 7 years ago - I wonder if I'll be able to keep it up till I'm 83!!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


P.S. - thanks for sending recipe Shannon - will let you know when I try it and how it turns out.