Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Fairy Garden

Fairy gardening, or miniature gardening has become the rage recently and I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend a Fairy Garden Workshop on Saturday. It was so much fun and I learned so much about fairies. For example - they like sparkly things, they like having heir own homes, they like to be hidden in the foliage, and they like water.

While my fairy garden wasn`t near as spectacular as some of the others, I was thrilled with how it turned out and definitely want to do some more miniature gardening.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Your fairy gardening or miniature gardening looks very cute and the greenery around the house always look good.

Had a fun day with a couple of my sisters and now am trying to think of something to make for supper before Stan heads out to another Bronco game tonight. They lost 2 games against Medicine Hat in the Hat and won last night here so hopefully they can pull another one off tonight.

Hope you all had a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Awesome, really lovely. You certainly have your finger(s) in so many things. Like Shirley says, your greenery around the house does look good. Good luck for a Bronco's win to you both.

Love to all