Spring is here! I know it! I can feel it! No socks for me, no sirree! (Well, aside from when I wear my Doc Martens, duh!) It is supposed to be +8 today, so Sterling tells me. As an aside, G Man is barking ferociously at the back door as there is a squirrel sitting on the fence. It is going to be a long and noisy Summer. Ok, back to what I was saying, Spring looks like it might have sprung, and I am thrilled. It is my favorite season, and I am loving it and it's only been here since yesterday. lol.
I own two pairs of capris (well, I own more, but I love these two), and while at my size I'm never going to look good in them, I do want to be looking better. So what am I doing about it, you say?
Couple of things:
1. When I'm done eating, or know I'm snacking for no darn good reason, I brush my teeth with what is seriously the most awful toothpaste known to man. I have a toothbrush and the toothpaste that-shall-not-be- named, in my Algodonis bag, at the ready for a quick brush. That makes all food taste disgusting so it works. Plus I don't want to mess up my pearly whites.
2. Cooking more from scratch. I make all my own bread, buns, etc, slaving over my bread machine (thank you Jessica), and there are no preservatives. I am eating more fruit (ya, I know it should be veggies but give me a break), I'm putting spinach into our supper where possible - cooked it tastes fine, raw it tastes like dirt.
3. Drinking less water - what's that you say??? Yes, for me it is a case of cutting back on the water. As someone who drank about 15 liters a day (that is not a typo), I have tried to cut that in half - yes, still too much, I know but what's a water-lover to do?
4. Walking the pooch. He's hysterical to walk with and while it's not much exercise, it's fun.
5. Speaking of walking, I'm walking to the grocery store when I have only a bagful to get. I must admit, I drive if I have to buy milk and flour.
6. Today I am returning to the gym. I am taking an Aquafit class at 5:15. As you know, I left pudgy 3 blocks back, so I think it takes some real balls and a false sense that I have great legs, to get into a swimsuit. I don't even take a towel on deck, AND there are windows overlooking the pool from the gym. Bastards. Must go 3x week. Must go 3x week. Must go 3x week. I wonder if I could be hypnotized into believing the gym is fun. hmmmm. no.
So, there you have it - Spring has Sprung, no more socks, hidden Spinach yum, and the gym sucks.
Happy Monday!
Shannon - you are hilarious!! I love, love, love reading your blogs! It puts me in a Happy mood for the day. Spring you say - hum - yesterday we had a blizzard! - rain, snow, rain and the snow is still sitting on the streets. Stan said he shovelled the sidewalks when he came home from the Bronco hockey game (they lost:(). Today is -5, cloudy and abit windy - oh well, Spring is coming eventually. As for you - no socks - do you really wear socks!! First meeting you - winter - no socks!!!! Too funny. Haven't even thought about putting my winter "stuff" away - maybe one big winter jacket is but that's it. Sounds like you have a very good plan re: wearing your capris - wishing you all the best with it. The cleaning of the teeth and eating something after is so true - I should do the same, carry a toothbrush along with me and when I get hungry - brush them! Your cooking from scratch is great - good for you - I'm very bad for that and I know it. I also like my water but I don't even drink half of what you've cut yours down to. Good luck with the gym - I have been pretty faithful going to Curves three times a week but get lazy once in awhile - like this morning for instance. We also like walking when the weather is nice so hopefully when snow is gone, Stan and I will get out more often.
Happy Monday back at you and wishing you all the best with the week ahead.
Happy Monday! Good for you from the capris to the swimming. That makes me happy. Denis and I have been walking every morning, he walks 7km and I walk 9km. It's wonderful in this great weather, don't know how much will get done at home. We have done this since we arrived south. I did it in Europe but Denis didn't start until January. This also makes me happy. Our days have few if any down moments so we're on a happiness high right now. Sorry to here the Broncos lost, we know how much you and Stan cheer them on, Shirley.
Happy Monday everyone.
Love to all
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