Sunday 1 September 2013

Week 49

Week 49!
Craig and I had breakfast together as usual and then we took the kids to a flea market we had never been to before. It was great. We spent hours there. I loved it.

Craig is watching the football game now, the boys are watching IronMan with a friend and I am doing this.

Tonight we are have a crazy back to school supper. Hashbrowns, sausage rolls and corn on the cob, along with an oriental salad. Reminds me of treat night when I was a kid. We may have an extra munchkin over for dinner but I'm not sure.

Only one more day to school starting. Kaedo is cool as a cucumber, Sterling almost. I can't wait for school to be over on Tuesday so I can hear all about everything. I don't even think I'll be able to wait for Craig to get home!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

We hope you have a wonderful school year, both of you. Kaedo, we are so happy that you are able to go to the school of your choice and we hope that you love it. Sterling, we know you will do well in academic. You have such a wonderful mind. Wishing you many happy days at school. Love you so much.