Friday, 13 September 2013

Plant Love

Kaedo has developed a real love of plants and planted peppers before leaving for holidays this Summer (which Craig tended for him). He even dried the seeds from one of the peppers, re-planted them and built a self-watering system for it. Very cool. I am a little concerned that the back door of my kitchen is going to have a row of plants lined up in front of it all winter. Then I remember he could have worse hobbies! He recently bought a new pepper plant and transplanted it and has added it to our home decor. It looks really good. He also helped me transplant some succulents into tea cups, and (correct me if I'm wrong, mom) a 30 year old Christmas Cactus into a planter that suited our decor. Even with a retro as our house is, the 1970's ceramic pot didn't quite go!

Succulents in tea cups. Love these. The last one doesn't like it's new home so I have transplanted it again and we'll see how it does. 


GrmpaGrmma said...

Impressive!!! Good luck with all your plants. I have one "live" plant in our house and it's a Christmas cactus which this Christmas showed 3 flowers - that's it!! Haven't moved it in sometime so maybe this year.

2 weeks today since we said good-bye to mom - having kind of a tough day.


Denis & Irene said...

Love it, they look awesome. That Christmas cactus is very old, that's for sure. It usually blooms at Passover, so it's probably more of a Hanukkah plant. It always had lots of blooms.

Denis was lucky with his horse bets tonight but I didn't do as well at the slots as I did last week. The food was good though.

Glad that you're doing so well, Kaedo. Glad that you are following all the advice that the Dr. and your mom have given you. For sure that is why you're on the mend.

Sorry you're struggling Shirley. Time is just about the only thing that helps. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Love to all