Thursday 14 July 2011

Biker Boy

Sterling loves riding his bike. He spends many hours - often 30 a week riding with his buddies. Not only is it good for his friend time, it is great for his physical health and some weight loss. He's loving it and it learning new tricks all the time. Yesterday morning (at 7:30 - yuck) he headed off to the skate park and while there learned to jump out of the deep end of the bowl. Apparently this has been very daunting for him. With the encouragement of his good friend N, he tried it and had great success. He called me before it was time to pick him up for ortho and asked if I could bring the camera to take some pictures of him jumping. Of course once there, all his friends wanted pics. I'm so glad they feel comfortable enough with me to ask.

Sterling is desperate for a new bike and we have learned that the bike that he wants is on sale. So Craig suggested we put it on layaway and Sterling can pay down the balance over the next few months and when his birthday comes along, he can take his birthday money and put it towards the bike. I thought that was a brilliant idea, so I'm going to talk to Sterling about it today. We'll see what he says. It will certainly stop him from eating pizza with his buddies and will help him get the bike he really wants. At $500 it will take some time but I think he will be happy with Craig's suggestion. We figure we can throw some money on it as well to help him out.

He's off to the skate park again today, so we'll see what tricks he learns from N. I'm loving that he's doing this and I love that he has so many friends to hang out with who have his same interests. After years of struggling with friendships, this warms my heart!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Good for you Sterling with your bike tricks - looks way to scary for me! The new bike idea sounds like a good one - it really will mean alot more to Sterling if he buys it himself. Craig knows all about that don't you! It defintely looks like plenty of exercise that's for sure.

It looks like another beautiful day here today with a temp of 16 so far and it's supposed to get up to 26. We don't have too much planned other than mow the lawn and I am taking mom to the podiatrist for an appt. this morning.

Hope you're all having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Wow Sterling, that looks daunting. You look like you've been doing it for years. Great action photos Mom. Glad you found the bike that you want. Putting it on layaway is a great way of doing it. We'll sure help you out and put money towards it for an early birthday gift.

Emma is still here with us. She misses her mom, her sister and wants to see her home but doesn't want to leave us. She's torn which is normal for such a young one. She would like to stay until tomorrow but we've given her the option of taking her home anytime she feels she wants to go. She only has a moment here and there when she gets homesick but loves the pool and park and all the kids that are holidaying here. We love having her also.

Less than three weeks now and we'll be there. Just looking so forward to it.

Love to all