Thursday 5 May 2011

Selena Gomez

Sterling is a late bloomer. We have always said that. While some of his friends have had girlfriends and more and more of them are seen holding hands or snuggling up with some girl, I am happy to report that Sterling would rather hang out with his buddies than smooch some floozy. Selena Gomez is the exception. She is a cute, spunky 18 year old who has a hit show on Family Channel. Sterling is smitten with her. So much so that he hung up a crinkled picture of her. Of course that prompted us to take it one step further (haha). For Easter Kaedo bought him a giant poster for his room. Ahh, his first crush. Thankfully she's too old for him. And dating Justin Beiber. And lives in the USA. Otherwise we would have a big problem on our hands!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

And so it starts!! She's quite cute too, good taste Sterling as far as looks go.

Walked up the Old Mine Road today to Safeway. Quite the hill but it was way easier going up than coming down. Tomorrow I'm walking into town as I have to mail some forms. The IRS is getting after the snowbirds. Oh well, can't get blood from a stone.

Weather was on and off today, warm and sunny one minute and cloudy and cool the next. Better than snow or rain though.

Love to all