Thursday, 12 May 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

***** Had meant for this to post yesterday but Blogger was down - so here is to being 39 + 1 day!

Hello All - in honor of my 39th birthday, I thought I would post "39 things you should know about me" - so here goes!
1. I love to read
2. Chocolate is my friend and my enemy
3. I love sleeping in
4. My guilty pleasure is the Maury Povich Show
5. My cell phone has a hot pink case
6. I surf to about 10x a day
7. My favorite color is pale blue
8. My other favorite is grey
9. If I wasn't allergic, my next dog would be a Boxer
10. I'm growing my hair because Craig loves it
11. I'm addicted to diet coke
12. My kids think my grey hair is cool
13. I love a clean kitchen
14. I hate making school lunches
15. Spring is my favorite season
16. My heating blanket is one of my favorite gifts ever
17. I don't wear eyeshadow
18. I could go to Chapters every day
19. I'd buy a new dishwasher before buying a new TV
20. Niagara Falls is one of my favorite places
21. Day trips to the USA with Craig and the boys is one of my favorite ways to spend a day off
22. I love to get magazines in the mail
23. I send mail every week
24. Mowing the lawn is one of the worst jobs ever
25. I love Mobile banking
26. Breakfast for supper is one of the best meals
27. The weekly gnome picture is my favorite two minutes of the week
28. I never listen to music
29. I hate pumping gas
30. My day hasn't properly started until Kaedo kisses me goodbye in the morning
31. I listen to my iPod every night before bed
32. I will always see an action movie over a romance
33. I know White Tea is good for me but it tastes like ass
34. I always let Craig watch what he wants on TV
35. I love the sense of accomplishment I get from folding the last load of laundry
36. I love tulips
37. Seeing my kids hanging out with their friends makes me smile
38. I feel no pity for Craig when he complains about his football injuries
39. I love it that my mom takes the time every day to Blackberry Messenger me

So there you have it - 39 things! Who woulda thunk it? Happy Birthday to me!

Last but not least - this is my 999th post! Amazing really. Can you believe that there have been 998 before this and you're still reading! Here's to another 999!

Today I plan to hang out - watch Maury Povich (ha), use my Bath and Body Works gift certificate (thanks Kelly and Tica), have a Starbucks (thanks Stan and Shirley), buy some flowers (thanks mom and dad) and enjoy my day.


Denis & Irene said...

OK, I have a problem with 33. Don't want to know how you know what ass tastes like.

We are in Calgary, the Sandman Suites right at COP. It is beautiful here. We've brought enough food for a party, which will probably happen knowing Jessica. There is a separate bedroom, little kitchette, two door bathroom and a living room. Perfect sized apartment if we wanted one. Lots of people we know from previous dance meetings so it will be a great weekend.

Jessica and Em have left for the first dance of this three day extravaganza. We'll take Avery with us in about 15 minutes so that we can see the recital. Avery doesn't need to hang out backstage for such a long time then. She loves to watch the dancing but the waiting is tough on a little sprite.

I love our daily IMs also Shannon, a great way to start the day.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Ditto on #33 Irene - we also don't know what ass tastes like!! Loved reading all your likes and dislikes Shannon - don't think I'll try that - 62 seems like a way too long of a list. Love you lots and wish you many more Happy Birthdays! BIG HUGS!