Wednesday, 8 December 2010

week 11

Week 11 - I know I always say it, but man, are those some handsome boys. All decked out in their winter gear as the snow and cold has come to us. It's only about -3, so we can't complain but I would be happier at +3. Monday we ended up going to get gloves, boots for Sterling, insoles for last years boots for Kaedo and a toque that covers Sterling's ears. Man are adult boots expensive. I almost choked.
The Christmas season is upon us and the gifts are starting to show up under the tree. The boys are almost finished their shopping and I have barely begun. I keep telling myself I still have lots of time. Ha! Only two weeks before the boys are done school for the holidays. This year their holidays start on a Thursday and they go back on the Thursday. Don't' know what made the school board set up that but whatever. They are looking forward to their holidays, Christmas, having all the Klassens come to visit.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

You are very lucky to have only dragged out your winter "stuff" now - we've had ours out for a month already. Boots for adults are something you probably have never had to buy Shannon!! (Bare foot and beautiful!) Craig probably doesn't own a pair of winter boots either do you Craig?

Our gifts for under our tree are already packed in the suitcase ready for Toronto. Our tree looks pretty bare and I was tempted to put the suitcase under (well beside) the tree with a big bow on it. Two weeks will just fly by for Sterling & Kaeden. Only 16 more sleeps!

We're off to visit with Hank & Jewel & Clarence & Sue for abit this evening. They are heading to Regina & Moose Jaw tomorrow so we thought we'd meet them for coffee.

Hope you had a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!