Thursday, 7 January 2010

Weigh In Wednesday (thursday)

So - I didn't want to do this post. I really didn't. I wanted to forget how much I have eaten the last few weeks. I wanted to forget all the snacks, treats and food I had stuffed into my face the last two weeks. Alas, a comment from Craig and an email from Shirley prompted me to get back on the scale and face the reality.
The reality is that I gained (big surprise). A lot. So, back to it. What else can you do? So - here is to a new year. New choices, new challenges.
Man, I am disappointed in myself.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Shannon - hang in there!! I know exactly how you feel because I did terrible as well. We'll do better next Wednesday RIGHT!! So nice talking to you this morning and that we finally connected. Your weeks will go by so fast before your holiday and the countdown for sleeps will even go faster.

I was talking to Jean and Roberta about how we've started this Weigh-In Wednesday. They have both been going to Herbal Magic for the last year and they said when they first started, they had to weigh-in everyday for two weeks. They said you are more accountable for what has happened each day than waiting the week because then you think before the Wednesday, you can always watch what you eat on Monday and Tuesday. I really didn't think a person was supposed to weigh each day but I guess that's the way the Herbal Magic works. After the two weeks, then they weigh-in every Mon., Wed. & Fri. They also write down everything that goes into their mouth everyday. I guess it really surprises you how much we nibble inbetween meals and in the evening when you see it written on paper. Anyway Shannon, just some thoughts on helping us through this next week and I thought I would also try doing what Jean & Roberta suggested. Good luck with your week!


Annette said...

I'm feelin' your pain too Shannon! Christmas did a number, but I don't think eating for free at Disney helped before that! I've decided to give weighing in a try...just need to remember where I threw that scale! lol! Honestly the doctor gave me a wake up call, so HERE'S TO THE NEW YEAR!
~ Annette

Denis & Irene said...

We have no scale with us this winter. Lucky us!! We do have small, medium and large clothes. That is to say small large, medium large and large large. We use the clothes as a gauge and hope that the small large will fit us all winter. The winter has just started and so far it's not working out as planned. Kelly Klassen... what is your secret??

Love to all