Friday, 8 January 2010

One from the Archives - and chopsticks for all!

Isn't this a cute picture. It was taken at an Argos game in 2004. My babies. Not so "baby anymore. Sterling is only an inch or two shorter than me and Kaedo is quickly gaining in the height race. So stinkin' cute!
I can relate to Annette's comment in the last post. We are heading to DisneyWorld in THREE WEEKS TODAY, and I know we will be faced with tons of not too nutritious food. We chose the "Quick Dining" Meal plan and no buffets, so that should help.
One of the things that Craig and I decided was that we were going to try chopsticks. How fun is that? The way I see it, it will slow down the food intake and will maybe help with the portion control. You should try it. I think it will be a fun experiment.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Oh my gosh - how cute are those little boys!!! Dimples, biking gloves and all! Toooooo cute!

I agree, chopsticks would definetly be the answer for me as well. For one thing it would take me forever to even grab a piece of food and probably as I'm getting it to my mouth, it would fall - GREAT IDEA FOR SURE SHANNON!!!

It's very, very cold here this morning - -19 degree with wind chill of -32. I guess it's better than being in Regina with -34 and wind chill of -48!!!! I'm just waiting for Linda to pick me up this morning and we'll have our mom/sister day.

Hope your day is going well and hang in there!!


Denis & Irene said...

I'm going backwards here but the chopsticks got my attention. We put childrens' chopsticks in Emma's stocking and bought some really nice ones for Ken and Jessica at this fabulous kitchen shop they have in downtown Medicine Hat. They wouldn't work diet wise for Dad and I as we are able to use them quite well. I can't eat Chinese food without them, it just doesn't taste the same. Having said that, it would be challenging to cut and eat steak with them.

The photo of our little guys is awesome. Like I said, I'm working the blog backwards here. We have wifi so I'm trying to catch up on two weeks worth of e-mails and messages.

Love to all