Wednesday, 16 April 2008


First off, got a question about the frappucino. I did what every good mother would do. I took him to Starbucks. With me going totally dairy free, it was a true sacrifice to watch him drink all that yumminess. In his defence he did ask if I wanted some.
Had my flute lesson last night. Just so you know - I am not full of hot air! In fact I can hold virtually no air. So there. It is going good. My instructor is cool in a jazz and sunglasses sort of way. He even had docksiders on last night. He is very cool. He makes his living in the music world and plays "gigs" every week. He teaches 3 nights a week and that is his only steady job. It is so cool to be living your dream. When I start playing with the Philharmonic he can say he knew me when. Not.

Craig is home today. I am supposed to go to a meeting today that wouldn't allow me to get home in time, so Craig said he could work from home. Now it looks like my meeting is going to be cancelled, so he has possibly stayed home for nothing. It really changes the dynamics here when he is home. I don't mind it except that I can't speak to Jessica for an hour at our usual 1pm time slot.

My regular night out is tonight, so I am looking forward to that. Tomorrow Sam is coming to play and Friday is Friday. Sterling's last bowling week is on Saturday. He is disappointed but that's life. Last week was the beginning of the two week tournament and right now his team is in first place. We'll see how it goes this week. If they keep it up they will win the Bantam title. Last week Sterling had his best scores of the season. He even got two strikes in a row. One game he bowled 40+ points over his average.

Kaedo is feeling better today and was anxious to get to school. TKD after school for him - if he isn't coughing too much.

Well, that's it. Hope you are all well.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Great bowling, Sterling. It always sucks when your favorite sport(?) goes on hiatus. When does it start up again?

Glad it's going to be a few years before I turn 65 as the government paperwork is never-ending. I'll need the time to recover. I sat at Service Canada (a really bad choice of names as the service is non-existent) for 1-1/2 hours just to get a stamp and signature on two photo copies. Our tax dollars at work, NOT.

The downside of being away is that there's 3-1/2 months of mail when you get home. It takes a day to sort through and acknowledge the ones that need to be looked after. I don't know why they insist on sending paper when all your banking and bill paying is done on-line and they send all your stuff via e-mail. I have told them to save the trees, but they keep sending all their ads, etc.

That's my bitchin' for today.

Love to all