Saturday 12 April 2008


A few weeks ago I bought myself some tulips. They were beautiful Tulips are my favorite. This is them after two weeks. Pretty pathetic, eh? Craig and I were in a battle of wills over who would throw them out. I won, if you're wondering. Let me just preface this by saying that Craig never buys me flowers.

Until now...

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

And he's handsome too. How lovely they are, tulips are one of my favorites also. Actually, I'll take any kind of flowers someone will buy me. I had lovely roses in Texas and I'm thinking I'll have to get some pots to plant some here this summer. When we leave for Ontario, I'll have to take them to death row, a.k.a. Jessica's place.

What gorgeous weather we are having, unfortunately I'm locked inside watching the Masters, our favorite golf event of the year.

Wonderful to see the blog up and running again. It must be difficult to find the time to do it so often but we are so glad you do.

How was bowling & TKD? I missed my texts from the bowling alley.

Love to all