Tuesday 8 April 2008


This is my 253 post. Amazing. Now if only I had something witty to say. All is well here. The weather is good, the kids aren't fighting (with each other or us). I'm sorry I don't have more to write about. I guess after 253 posts I'm at a loss. I'll be back soon with something worth reading.



Denis & Irene said...

Lovely photo. Weather is cool here in Lethbridge but it is sunny so that's a bonus.

Dad and I are heading off to lunch with friends, him with his...mine with mine. We'll meet up after lunch and head to Jessica & Ken's place. Have lots to do there. A ton of laundry being the major one. The machines at the parks aren't big enough for the huge comforters but Jessica's does them quite nicely. Also have to get brakes and tires put on the car. 255,000+ kms and we're still on the original brakes so no complaints there. There has to be over 70,000 on the tires. They say the tires are immediate but the brakes aren't, however, it just makes sense to get them done. Need to get the income tax done also, that will probably do me in when the bottom line comes up. I'm trying to get all the horrors over with this week.

Hope you had a wonderful time in B.C. Stan & Shirley.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Is that your sunrise this morning? Elaine and I thought we'd wake up early enough one morning to catch a sunrise at the Lake Okanagon Resort but it didn't happen.

So nice to catch up on all that you've been doing the week we were gone. I had to read it all before I could go to bed last night.

Nice to hear you're back in Canada Denis & Irene. I didn't realize you would be in Lethbridge so quickly. We came home from our B.C. trip on #3 and were invited to Stan's cousins place for lunch yesterday. We had got a call just before we got there that Stan's mom had fallen and broken her hip so we were in a hurry to get home. Thank goodness we had a wonderful, relaxing week away because this next while we could be running alot. So looking forward to seeing you in Medicine Hat soon!

Stan just got home from the hospital awhile ago and his mom is on the way to Regina by ambulance. He will call later to see how she's doing and if they know when surgery will be scheduled.