Tuesday 15 April 2008


Got a munchkin home sick today. I think his exact words at 3am were, "mob, i'be god the snibbles". To which I not so promptly replied, "why aren't you wearing pajamas to bed? You're probably freezing. Go to the bathroom and I'll get you some toilet paper". Yes, I am a good mom. After tucking him in, handing over Baby, and got him all snuggly in his bed, I got a roll of toilet paper and a garbage can for him to put his "kleenexs" in. This morning when I checked on him I could tell he had made an effort to get the toilet paper in the garbage, and one of them actually made it!

He slept in today then went downstairs to watch TV, then came upstairs and played on the computer. Then he said to me,

"mom, you know what I would really like?"

"no, what?"

"a strawberries and cream frappucino"


Denis & Irene said...

Did you make him one??

Sorry to hear you're sick again Kaedo, hope you get better really soon. Love the outfit.

GrmpaGrmma said...

Big hugs and kisses to make you better Kaeden - take care. Is that the mask Grampa tried on one time when we were visiting - it looks much cuter on you.

We had some rain today - yeh! Not much but even while it was drizzling, it smelt so nice. Hope we get some more soon. They did predict snow today but thank goodness it didn't.