Saturday, 2 February 2008

Say what?

Saturday. Where has the week gone? Sterling has been sick this week and is starting to feel better. He missed half a day of school and came home without going to Spanish one day. He is on the mend but the bugger gave it to me (that will teach me for kissing him). Let's just say that right now the last thing I need is a cold/flu/whatever.
Yesterday was PA Day. Maybe the teachers in the audience can explain to me why teachers have to go back to school once a month. As far as I can see our teachers are doing a good job and it throws off my week having them home an extra day. Someone change this.
So, they were home yesterday. As was Craig. It was a full house. Craig was working so I always feel the need to get out of the house so that I don't bother him. He's either on the phone or thinking so hard the top of his head is steaming. The boys and I went out and had a good time together. Scholar's Choice, Chapters, the mall. It was fun. I haven't been to the mall in months. I am not a mall walker. Remember when you were a kid and you used to go to the mall on Saturday afternoon for a "playdate" with your friends? Giggling at all the way too old cute guys that were on their own "playdates". Aaahhh, those were the days. Now all you see is girls with too much makeup and hooker heels and guys with jeans so low they must be taped to their balls because there is no way on earth they are staying up any other way. They are all hanging out in a gaggle, saying things like, "what's up dude? bitchin', check out the rack on that one" Anyway, boy do I feel old going to the mall. So old I could hear my bones creak and my eyesight go a little dim. I did see a kid rubbing his girlfriend's ass. At least I hope it was his girlfriend and not some stranger. I just a sinking feeling that in 5 years Sterling may be doing the same thing. I am now starting the brainwashing so that he does not want to hang out in malls and will never grope a girl's ass. I'll keep you posted.
We had a snowstorm yesterday. Ontarians are a bunch of pussys. My neighbor is out shoveling and says to me, "I can't remember the last time we had this kind of winter. I'm sick of it". So I'm thinking, "what Winter?" I doesn't seem to me that it has been that bad. It has been cold the last few weeks, but not -50 like those of you on the Tundra. I have shoveled about 4 times and it has been good exerices. I actually hope for snow as it is the only good exercise I get. The boys and I were out yesterday and people were saying, "how good of you to brave the weather". Whatever. In Ontario, within hours of the snowfall, all the streets are plowed. When I say all, I mean all. Not just the major intersections. I remember having our car stuck in the street outside of our house one year in Airdrie. I think the snow on the grass melted and there was still snow on the street. Now the only downside of this is that just after you have finished with your beautiful shoveling, the plow comes through and gives you a 3 foot snowbank at the base of your driveway. Got another few inches last night. Was up early to take Kaedo to get his haircut and the hairdresser said, "you made it OK". Makes me smile.
Sterling bowled this morning and did awesome. 103, 108, 97. I think this was his best triple yet. It was Beat My Average day and he totally kicked it. His average is 81. He did great. Kaedo went to TKD and did fantastic. Only one week to grading. He is so excited and I am so bummed that I won't be there. He is practicing his pattern everyday and feels confident he will do well. This is a big step. We are so proud.
Snowboarding tomorrow. I'm taking them by myself. Have to get out the GPS (thanks Ken) so I get there. Craig is going to the Snowbowl. A bunch of 20-50 something men wearing tights and shorts, chasing a football on the frozen ground covered by a foot of snow. He can barely wait. I told him we weren't watching the Super Bowl tomorrow. At least not until the kids went to bed. He says they are going at 7.
Well, I have so many pictures to add but don't want to upload my camera, so it will have to wait until next time.
Have a great weekend,

***please disregard spelling errors. The spell checker isn't working and I've read this over until my eyes have bled, so I might be missing something. Don't correct me or I might have to kick your ass. This means you - Craig.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Glad to hear that you're feeling better Sterling and hope you don't keep it too long Shannon.

Can't explain the teacher dilema but I'm sure Kelly & Petrica could add a few comments for you. Glad to hear you had fun at the mall and I laughed out loud at your comment re: guys jeans - I always wondered how they kept them up and the image of your comment just could be. Also, glad to hear you're brainwashing our grandson on malls and girl's "bums"!

Good thing you are from tough Alberta and Saskatchewan and know how bad our weather can get. We (I should say Stan) has had to shovel lots of snow this year. I usually get out to help but haven't done much this year.

Sterling - you did great in bowling today - congratulations!! You should be getting a badge for "Beat My Average" (I think your dad had one on his shirt) - more sewing mom. Kaeden - you'll do great at your TKD - good luck with it.

Hope you have fun at your snowboarding tomorrow boys - you should have lots of nice snow for it.

Craig - have fun at your Snowbowl tomorrow - BE CAREFUL!! (Sorry, that's just a mom talking.)

Hope we get a chance to visit with all of you abit tomorrow to see how you made out with all your activities.

Dad and I just got home awhile ago from our walk downtown. We bundled up lots - it was -12 degree but wind was blowing quite strong from the west. It wasn't bad going down but coming home we tightened up everything more. Only thing cold on me was the tops of my legs but it didn't take long to warm up at home. We've invited friends over to play some cards and are waiting for their reply. Got to get some supper on the go.

BIG HUGS TO ALL! Love you lots!

Denis & Irene said...

Glad you're starting to feel better Sterling. You must have been sick to miss Spanish. Do you have a Spanish dictionary?

I remember mall events, I think. Trouble is you used to always see a pair of shoes you had to have. You are showing signs of age, Shannon, as the girls today are no more slutty looking than they were when I was growing up. Each generation feels the younger one is over the top. Trust me, it ain't so. You were just more protected coming from small town Lethbridge but your generation was no better than this one. As far as Sterling rubbing some girl's ass, I think Craig would prefer that to the alternative.

I hate all this complaining about the weather. We had wind today, it was 28C, but windy. I really love hearing about all your weather. I thought about all of you while we were sitting outside in our lounge chairs watching the Mardi Gras parade that some of the Winter Texans in our park had organized. It was great. The Canadian contingent carried the flag, had red and white balloons on the float, played the fiddle and spoons and conversed in French.

Great bowling scores, Sterling. Keep up the great work. Kaeden, we know you'll do awesome next week. Have a wonderful time snowboarding tomorrow. The videos were great, so glad you're enjoying it so much. Craig, enjoy the snowbowl.

You sound in rare form Shannon and the blog is always good for a laugh and makes us feel closer to home. It was great talking to both our girls today.

Love to all

KPJC said...

Funny blog today Shan, but hits close to home. I have become oblivious to the pants to the ankles, hooker boots and any other new style out there. However you at least do not have to bear with the "thong" underwear showing when students sit down at their desks. One teacher said to her class "if you don't want to see me in my underwear then please do not show me yours" and it was not a teacher that any studetn would want that!
As for the meetings that teachers have, they are nice to have a quiet day without kids, but really the productivity is not what we would want it to be. Ours are called Professional Development days(PD). And really if they were helpful we woyuld enjoy them more, but really you could do away with them and end the year earlier for all I care.
Good job Kaedo and Sterling on your activities - Jacob will keep you updated on his when he starts. Good luck in football Craig - go Giants!