Friday 29 February 2008

Happy Leap Day

Happy Leap Day everyone -
The pictures aren't too clear - still getting used to my camera. Doesn't make them any less gorgeous!
In the midst of a snowstorm here. Snuggled in, just enjoying being together. Or, we were. I have come upstairs to do this and read my book. You know what they say...too much of a good thing...


GrmpaGrmma said...


Hope you didn't get too snowed under yesterday. We had a snow storm here on Thursday morning - lots and lots of wet snow. It quite around 1:30 and we shoveled about 3:00 and the ones who didn't shovel, the beautiful sun melted theirs away!!

Take care and have a great weekend - talk to you Sunday.


Denis & Irene said...

I'm using a very strange computer so who knows what this will look like. We have had no wi-fi since before Jessica arrived and I have soooo missed the blog. It made for great reading this morning when we got online again.

We do have the most adorable grandchildren. Boys, you are both so gorgeous. Sterling, I love your new hair cut, Kaeden, the hat looks awesome. I have a great shot of another grandchild that I will send via e-mail.

Thank you for not giving up on the blog. It must be a lot of work but it's so nice to read, it makes us feel connected.

It was a great time with Jessica and Emma. We did lots of stuff and that little girl was so good, she just never complained. I got sick on their last day so there was no going away party which was probably a good thing plus Jessica had some one on one time with Dad while Em and I went to bed together. Still not feeling great but the show must go on.

We are in San Benito for a month. We have checked into Fun N Sun to see how we like staying put for a whole month. It's been two days, we're still sane. Weather is stormy looking but 80F+ degrees. Awesome. Have to get out and do some food shopping today and must get back to the laundry now. Glad to be back on-line.

Love to all