Wednesday 27 February 2008


Since Shannon has been very busy lately taking care of things with the van, travel and carting the kids around to their activities, I thought I'd give her a bit of a break. (though she'll probably say this is my passive aggressive way of saying she isn't posting enough pictures... but it's not!)
Here are some pictures of the kids that I took while Shannon was away.

I managed to get some action shots of this future tennis pro who will be kicking Dad's butt on the tennis court this summer. I had one picture of his tongue hanging out for Grandpa but it was too blurry to post, you'll have to take my word for it.

Nice form!!!

And after a small delay, Kaedo and Backyardigan were deservedly presented with their green belts in a very private ceremony. On the upside, I got to take a whole bunch of pictures. Here are just a couple of Kaed in his ultra serious Tae Kwon Do mode.

He is getting some great use out of his belt holder, already up to three displayed proudly. Of course now we find out that Kaedo needs to have his own sparring gear as a green belt, there's another $150 that he'll grow out of. Oh well, he loves it and plans to keep going, should get some use out of it, hell, maybe we'll strap it on Sterling and let Kaedo get some practice.
That's it for now, I'm not feeling as witty as Shannon and that's why I overcompensate with pictures.


GrmpaGrmma said...

GREAT PICTURES CRAIG!! You're right - you'd better watch out for that tennis pro coming up - he looks pretty good already! Way to go Sterling! Kaeden you look sooooo grown up in your TaeKwanDo outfit - looks like you've stretched up since the summer. You'll be taller than your brother pretty soon. Keep up the great job! BIG HUGS!

shannon said...

Great pictures Craig. I haven't even seen the tennis ones. Great post. It might be time for you to take over. ???