Monday 4 February 2008


sterling: mom, 40 is old
me: hmmm
sterling: GG is prehistoric

Sterling - 7 months old


Denis & Irene said...

What a great photo Sterling. Amma feels prehistoric sometimes also. Mom says you're feeling better but she sounds pretty rough. Hope you can get it better before you go, Shannon. Nothing worse than having to put your game face on when you feel so lousy.

Beautiful weather here again today. Denis made a bracelet at the lapiadary shop (photos to follow to your e-mail), and I went to aquacise. This afternoon we went to Mexico. Just hanging out, not pushing ourselves. I'm going to play 'hand and foot' tonight. I just learned how to play two weeks ago so I have to try it out.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Cute picture Amma & Sterling! Our wishes for you to feel better as well Shannon - take care!

Sounds like you're having a blast Denis & Irene! One day soon, I'll send off an e-mail to you. Take care.