What a great morning! World Championship Bowling here we come. Started off the morning in Craig's bowling shirt - so cool (yes, Shirley - I have a picture - will post soon). It just fit. He looked great. Got to the alley and boy was it organized. Stand in line, pay your weekly fee, pick up your cards and first badge. Guess what I will be doing tonight?
We bought a YBC bowling shirt. How could we not? He was so happy to look like many of the other kids. They have a GREAT coach named JOHN and Sterling thinks he is fantastic.
Bowling parents are a lot like Hockey parents. A lot of sideline coaching - you know how much that thrills me. A perfect example - mom coaching son from sidelines and boy starts crying. Parents really do suck sometimes. In saying that I met some nice moms and hope to do so in the weeks that follow. Not so much with the dads. Very focused.
Kaeden was bored out of his skull as he didn't bring his DS like I told him to. Mom is always right. Right? I kid myself into believing that.
Sterling was so thrilled at how well he did and how quickly he got a hang of it. I am so proud of him. New sport, one he knows virtually nothing about and kicks it. I look forward to many more Saturdays.
game 1 - 49
game 2 - 82
game 3 - 81
By the way - I had two moms tell me he was gorgeous and that they would pay BIG bucks for hair like his. One girl was even checking him out. Hussy.
One last thing - 90 000 kids bowling all at the same time for 2 hours is a lot of noise. Especially when the girl 2 lanes down throws overhand. I kid you not.
talk tomorrow,
WAY TO GO STERLING!!! Can hardly wait to see photo - I can still see you trying Craig's bowling shirt on Sterling before he was a year old - in fact I had to check my pictures to find it and he looks so darn cute in a shirt 10 sizes too big but he loved it then as well. Is Sterling bowling at the lanes where we took him this summer, if so, it's a great bowling place. Ours in S.C. is so dark and dingy one doesn't feel like going very much although Stan and I do enjoy it alot.
It is a beautiful Saturday here today - sun shining and abit of wind blowing. Stan's over helping Leonard with his house since 9:30 a.m. this morning, hopes to be home in time to watch Saskatchewan whip Calgary's butt and then we hope to pick the apples off our tree. They're aren't very many but the ones that are up there look really nice and big and red. We've eaten a few and they are sweet and juicy.
Hope the rest of your day goes great! Love to you all!
Sucks to be you Sask. fans. Glad there's no fans out there who reads the blog. Calgary rocks.
Sterling rocks. We 're so glad you enjoyed bowling. It is such a fun sport. Hey, Bjorn, have you started tennis yet? With hair like yours you'll have the opposition at love every time.
Wonderful weather here also. The warmest day since we've been in the Maritimes and we stayed home to do maintenance. Who would have thought? The guy that owns the park told me that I could do all the laundry I wanted for $5.00. The facility was so nice that I decided to do the blankets, comforter, etc. I told him I had to give him another $5.00 as I felt too guilty doing all that laundry for only $5.00. He took the $ then showed up with 6 moose burgers. They were so good I can't describe it. I would eat them anyday over anything else. We are just loving this spot and will probably stay again tomorrow so that we can watch Tiger kick butt. It is such a relaxing place and I think we're a little burned out from travelling so much. We don't have to leave until Monday so that is probably what we'll do. We figure if we leave real early we'll still be able to do the part of the peninsula we want to do before the ferry leaves. We have booked a week in Truro so that we can do all the things we want to do and still have a central location to do them from. It is getting more challenging to find campsites that are still open.
Love to all
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