Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Quiz of the week

Hi All - I was so thrilled to see what everyone had to say last week that I thought we would do another one. This one is quick and easy and fun.
Before I start that, I just want to say that my boys are awesome! Sweet, kind, and gorgeous. Love being their mom.

OK - here goes:

Hamburger Helper OR Filet Mignon
Van OR Sedan
Yellowstone Park OR Disneyland
Board games
OR Video games
McDonald's OR Olive Garden
Snow bunny OR Water baby
Road trip OR Air travel
Early bird OR Night owl - neither, I'm lame
White OR Wheat
On the team OR In the bleachers
Cap'n Crunch OR Grape Nuts

How about you? Wanna share?


GrmpaGrmma said...

Shannon - I finally got at doing your last one and answered it last night - but I'll answer this one right away!

Board games (card games preferrably)
McDonalds (of course!!)
Water baby
Air travel
Early bird
On the bleachers (GO BOYS!!)
Grape Nuts

As I was signing in this morning, I grabbed our photo album and was going to find the photo of Craig with his bowling shirt on to see how cute he looked as well! My photos are my prized possession and I LOVE going back and looking at them. I always thought my pictures were pretty good but compared to the ones taken today - I can hardly make out who the person is! It's no wonder we have such good looking grandsons with such handsome dads and beautiful moms! We love you all so much and can't seem to say it enough. Just found the picture of Craig with bowling shirt on and with his team of Feb. 1983 - they were called "Craig's Coffee Crisps"! Too cute!

Have a great day - Hugs to all!

GrmpaGrmma said...

Quick note - I was going to add that believe it or not in Craig's bowling picture, his hair is covering his ears to the bottom of the earlobe - not quite as long as yours Sterling but long just the same.

Jessica said...

Here is my list.
Filet Mignon - the king of steaks, with Hy's seasoning salt, set out to room temperature before cooking, then bbqed to just under medium rare.

Disneyland - are you kidding me? Is there really a decision to make here.

Board Games - any type will due though I have a love for scrabble lately.

Olive Garden - only because I can have a glass of wine with my meal. Once I can get a beer with my Big Mac I will be their most frequent customer. I also hate carrying a tray. Way to white trash for my liking

Water Baby - this surprised me as much as it surprises you.

Air travel for anything in a car longer than 7 hours, road trip for any distance in the motorhome.

Early bird - no choice on this one.

Wheat - Do you believe me?

On the team - not just on the team, but the captain. That's right Craig... you will listen to ME!!!

Cap'n Crunch - did you know it's made with whole grains? Just look for the health check symbol.

This has been another edition of the world according to Jessica.

Craig said...

I'll jump the bandwagon early as well:

The steak, of course (like that's a surprise)

Disneyland (obvious one as well)

Video games (Shannon will be shocked)

Olive Garden (can you say bread sticks)


Air Travel (hard to sleep while driving)

Night Owl (though not really a fair question 'cause I have to get up early irregardless)


On the team (actually sorry Jessica, I am the team, no 'I' in team but there is 'ME' and only me)

Cap'n Crunch

Denis & Irene said...

Filet Mignon (preferably the ones that were seized by customs)

Van (Nissan)

Disneyland (with California Adventure)

Board games(Monopoly)

Olive Garden (bread sticks)

Have no idea what snow bunny or water baby is (I know, it must be shocking)

Road in Motorhome, air otherwise

Both (up at 6, bed by 12)(maybe that doesn't classify as night owl)



Grape nuts (rather have crunchy raisin bran)

Wanna Share??

KPJC said...

Filet Mignon- actually a "poulet" kind of guy, but if I had to choose...
Sedan - slowly moving to van however
Disneyland - Jacob influences me
Video games - miss them a little
Olive Garden - you said it Craig...breadsticks all you can eat!
Snow bunny - don't like the term, but love to ski.
Air travel - not having to drive is huge
Night owl - obiously, do you see the time I am doing this!
White - is this a racial question?
On the team - love the game!
Cap'n Crunch - prefer Frootloops, but the Capatin is OK.

Hey Craig, what's yuor choice on van or sedan. If you are going to play the game "player", play the entire game!

Later, K