Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Hi All -
Not much to say today. Coming up on my 100th post so I think the well is dry. In saying that, the boys are busy and I'm very busy. Craig is always steady at work. You know banking. That 9-3 can really kill you.
TKD tonight and some time with just me and the first born. Looking forward to that. Hopefully there won't be too much homework and we can just "hang" as he says.
Got my contract renewed today, which is great. I guess I'm still employable. My hard work has paid off. Got the confirmation that we are back to California in Feb. No chance to go to the Park this year but that's OK. I had a blast last year (thx mom and dad).

Sterling was talking to me last night and was telling me that he only wanted money for his birthday and Christmas. When I asked him why he said, "mom, you just don't really get me". Excuse me?
Out tonight for my weekly Wednesday night with my friend. Looking forward to it.

I guess we should do this weeks quiz, so here goes:
what food would you eat everyday - fries and gravy
if you could have a different name what would it be - Zoe
scariest thing you have ever done - water skied in the ocean (shark infested, I'm sure) in Cuba
If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life - Jack Astors
If you had a million dollars what would you buy first - 4 first class tickets to Disneyworld
Favorite joke - (clean) - two snakes are slithering down the road and one snake says to the other, "are we poisonous?" the other replies "yes, why?". "I just bit my tongue".

If you have any idea of what you like to read here let me know,


Denis & Irene said...

Congratulations on the renewed contract, I never doubted it. You work so hard and I'm sure your employer is aware how good an employee you are. Are you not going to Anaheim this year? If so, are you toooo old for the park??

Denis - salad
Irene - potato

Denis - Loves his name
Irene - Phaedra

Denis - wrecked a car
Irene - snorkeling with the baby sharks in Cuba

Denis - Burger Baron
Irene - Owl's Nest

Denis - New motorhome
Irene - Pay off my kids' houses

Denis - How many dead people are in that graveyard?
Irene - Don't know any clean ones.

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your contract renewal. Hopefully there was a fat raise involved.

Food I could eat everyday - Pizza

Name I would like - Lola

Scariest thing I've ever done - Repelling down a cliff in Mexico

Restaurant if I could only choose one - Moxies

If I had a million dollars.. if I had a million dollars... i'd buy you a k-car, a nice reliant automobile. la la la I'd pay off my mortgage so I guess you can say I would buy my house.

Joke - Knock Knock
Who's there?
Boo Who?
Don't cry!!!
The joke is better when Emma tells it.

Craig said...

Food I could eat everyday - I have to agree with Jessica (I know, first time for everything) and say Pizza

Name I would like - I actually think I'm happy with the one I have (Yay Mom and Dad)

Scariest thing I've ever done - Biking on top of a bald ass mountain in a lightening storm, can you say lightening rod (Kelly, yours should be the same unless you count taking teenagers overseas to a foreign country without their parents scary :)

Restaurant if I could only choose one - Mandarin (buffet restaurant is definitely the way to go)

If I had a million dollars - I'd buy a new, i mean and old looking new house, sorry Shannon, almost screwed up

Joke - I would agree with Irene

Craig said...

Sorry, ideas for future posts. I would love to see more pics of those gorgeous kids you have.