Wrote this last night. A little late but I am so tired I just don't have the energy to be witty. Shocking, I know. Oh ya - we didn't go to TKD and Sterling's team lost. Done for the season.
Hi All–
I’m writing this from 35,000 ft and I’m looking out my window at the cotton candy clouds. So beautiful. All is well here and I am so happy to be heading home. Another 2 hours and I will be kissing all my boys – well, not Ketchup, but the other 3.
The show was good and we spoke with over 1200 scrappers over the 3 days of the show. That is a lot of Americans to talk to. Did you know that Canada is freezing 12 months of the year and that we know nothing about the States? One nice woman told me she had just been to Canada and had driven from Calgary to Alberta. Whatever. The classes went great, if I say so myself. It was great to read such good reviews and have full classes two of the three days. It is really nice environment to teach in (right in front of Macy’s) and I have decided that teaching is what I am meant to do. I love it. I thrive on it, and I’m good at it. If I do say so myself!
Another busy week begins tomorrow morning at 8am (or 8:15 if I’m prepared tonight). TKD plus Sterling’s first playoff game. Should be exciting. TKD on Wed and Thurs and Sterling starts bowling on Saturday. He’s really looking forward to it. Think it is going to be fun watching him and it is a great picture taking opportunity. Craig will be playing football and will hopefully wear a hat this week so that he doesn’t get heat stroke AGAIN!
I plan to take tomorrow off and unpack. A job I hate, but it must be done.
Now that you know what I did this weekend, tell me what you did.
Talk soon,
Welcome home Shannon and your weekend is sooooo much more exciting than ours but since you asked - Friday night we went out for supper with Hank & Jewel and then over to their place to play a game called "Sticks" and got home around 12:30. Saturday Stan went and helped Robert take down tables and chairs in the church basement from a funeral. In the afternoon he went over to Leonards and helped him with the insulation and siding on their house. I decided it was time to get the vacuum out so was busy with that inbetween going over to mom's to put drops in her eye. After Stan got home, he decided to get a can of paint out and we touched up our fence and worked till 7:00 and decided to come in for supper. We crashed after supper. Sunday we went to church, had lunch with Robert & Barb (latest news from them - Curtis and Carrie are expecting - hope all things go well for them this time), came home and football was on, then hockey, then football!!! Inbetween that we ate supper, talked to Kelly, Petrica and Jacob and Craig for awhile. Tonight we decided to invite Larry and Faye over for homemade soup and buns and apple crisp(fresh apples off our tree). We haven't visited with them for over a month and decided it was time. We went for a car ride to check out all the new developments going on in S.C. and got home before it got too dark. They just left about 10 minutes ago and I have a bit of cleaning up to do but decided to check the blog first and am glad I did. I mentioned to Craig that my mom's sister Hazel Tooke passed away (she would have been 93 in November) and the funeral is on Sept. 22. The reason it is so late is the minister that Auntie Hazel wanted is on holidays till the 19th. Roberta and I went over to mom's to tell her yesterday and she's taking it pretty well. Hazel has been sick for quite some time and she is now out of pain. We will be going to the funeral and taking mom along. Her surgery on her right eye is scheduled for the 25th of this month so it's been a very busy time already. Tomorrow, we're getting up and heading for coffee and then I'm going to the first line dancing session for the fall. Looking forward to getting back into it - I LOVE IT! Well, enough gabbing for one evening - sounds like your week is back to busy, busy, busy. We'd love to hear how Sterling makes out with his first game of bowling on Saturday. LOVE TO YOU ALL!
We toured St. John's. Arrived here Friday night and spent Saturday and Sunday walking and just generally enjoying this wonderful city. It is so like San Francisco in it's hills and homes, however, the people are so wonderful. They had an "Open Doors" weekend so we got to visit a bunch of stuff for free. The Hindu Temple, Sihk Temple, Jewish synagogue, Wine vault, railway museum and lots of other stuff. We did all we could. The weather is holdin up, not sunny, the Newfoundlanders are in sleeveless tops and I'm in a T shirt, sleeveless vest and long sleeved fleece. I don't know what makes them so hardy, but they sure are and they are soooo wonderful.
Love to all
Hi Shannon,
Glad to see your back and had a great time. It's nice to see you finally see what us students of yours have known all along. You're a FANTASTIC AMAZING teacher! Anyways I just wanted to say hi and hope your doing well. Sterling and Braydon will have to compare bowling scores this year.
Miss you tons,
Hi Shannon,
Glad you're back and had a great time It's so good to hear that you finally realize what all your students have known forever. You're a FANTASTIC AMAZING teacher!
I wonder how long it took that lady to drive from Calgary to Alberta. You should have asked maybe she knows a short cut.
Anyways I just wanted to say hi and check up to see how you are all doing.
Braydon and Sterling will have to compare bowling scores this year.
Miss you tons,
Sorry about the two postings... I told you I am computer challenged. Or you can just call me Jacob two two.
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