In Ontario, High School students have the opportunity to "specialize" in areas of interest. Individual schools choose which High Skills Major programs they have the ability to run, and with the support of faculty, an interview and aptitude, students can earn a RED SEAL on their diplomas which signifies that they have used their high school career to be better positioned for a spot in college or university.
In Kaedo`s case, he has to attend in another city to be a part of this program.
We have learned that Sterling`s interests (graphic design) are well represented in his high school through an Arts and Culture SHSM diploma. Sterling was approached by two teachers and backed by another to enter the program. He made the necessary changes to his courses to line up with what is necessary for the program and now just waits for mid-semester 2 when he will have his interview and lets face it - be accepted! No proud momma here.
He has started a small design business and even has a couple of paying clients. And not to brag too much, his teacher felt he was too advanced for the curriculum so he is designing business cards and a website for a program that teacher runs within the school.
We are thrilled for him and the purpose it seems to have given him. It has been a rough start this Fall but he is doing awesome! Love that kid!
Lastly, hoping my B-I-L can tell me if these programs exist at his school. Would love to hear more about it from his neck of the woods.
First of all I love the design of the new blog. I would pay big bucks for someone to help me! Loved the previous blogs and all the pictures - it overwhelms me to think of doing the same and trying to find pictures from all our files. However I have been doing a crappy job of taking pictures lately. Glad to see Kaedo has his neck brace off.
As for the program you were wondering about I have not heard much of it around here. I plan on asking around a little to see if anything like that is offered. We do offer a lot of trades at our school and hours toward their Journeymans ticket. I am happy that he has been able to excel in an area I truly saw him enjoy talking about while here.
Nice going, Sterling. The blog looks awesome. We need some business size cards made so we'd love to look at some of your designs when we get there but we don't expect a freebie. We pay to have some done every year and we'd rather pay you.
How fortunate that you have been able to go into a program that you seem to have a natural ability for. We know you'll do great. It is so exciting watching both of you boys excel at all you do. We love you so much.
Love to all
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