Monday 28 October 2013

Week 5

Week 5 and the weather was rainy. That didn't stop us making the hour long trek to the racetrack. My kids definitely take after me in this case. They love the races. I was the big winner of the day with $15.20 in winnings. Sterling never won a single race, nor did Kaedo. Poor guys. Sterling wanted to win $200. Fat chance. There is something about horse racing that I love. Not only the show on the track, but the show in the building. People yelling, swearing and taunting each other. I didn't realize one of my horses had one as I had been too busy watching the sideshow. We had a nice day together and came home to an easy supper of chiabatas and salad. Sandwiches are big in our family so Amma and Baba had them too. When they are toasted it is even better!

We have been having a great time with our company this past week. The boys are loving it. Dad drives carpool in the morning, mom makes delicious suppers, and they get to spend some one on one time without Craig and I as well. Yesterday they headed to the theatre to see 'Bad.Grandpa' and the kids loved it. I think mom and dad did too.

This week we have a few things on the agenda and some more opportunities for some grandparents/grandsons time. I think it is really important they spend time without Craig and I. With school it makes it a little hard but they make the most of it!


Denis & Irene said...

The races are always fun but the people are even more amusing. The Jamaicans are so expressive and loud and excitable, love it.

Denis and Sterling are insulating the garage so that it's warmer in the man cave. Denis, Craig and Kaeden worked on it yesterday. It really makes a difference.

Bad Grandpa was funny but there were a few cringing moments when you wish you didn't have young people with you. They were laughing so hard that I guess it didn't really matter.

Getting some Christmas shopping done this afternoon and hoping to get a better rate on Euros than we did last week. Shannon's out for supper so I get to go to Costco to buy a chicken, already cooked. Those are the delicious meals that she's talking about. Kaeden helped with the ribs yesterday and they were great. Poor Craig didn't have any left over for lunch so pasta was his lunch today. Want to go to Hydro after school to take photos of the gorgeous color of the leaves.

The weather is sunny and cool but no snow. Yay!

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Congrats on your winnings Shannon! Sounds like the week is going by very fast and you're having a great time with your mom & dad.

Just heading out shortly for a much needed massage. Been promising myself one since my birthday in August and finally made an appt. Don't like that it's at 8:00 a.m. but next one available wasn't until November 19th. Not sure if I'll go to Line Dancing after or not. Might be too relaxed to even think of the footsteps to go with the dance.

We DO have snow on our lawns and this morning it is -8 out. Never think I'm ready for winter but living here guess that's the way it is.

Have a great week and BIG HUGS TO ALL!