Tuesday 29 October 2013


I Have a site I truly love for inspiration, as does half the population of the world - Pin.terest.

I could literally spend hours sifting through the beautiful images shown. I have bookmarked at least 100 flower photos and pictures of dream kitchens. Who knew you could have 21 dream kitchens? So I thought I would post some of my favorite quotes I have found there. If people like it, I'll do it every week. Let me know.

1. When all else fails, give up and go to the library. - Stephen.King

2. Don't talk, just act. Don't say, just show. Don't promise, just love. - unknown

3. People overestimate what they can do in a single day and underestimate what they can do in their whole lives. - unknown

4. The secret to getting ahead is getting started. - unknown

5. Be happy! It drives people crazy! - unknown

6. Give a damn. Many damns. More damns than anyone. - unknown

7. If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance! - Maxine

8. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - unknown

9. I realized this week that I cannot do it all. So I will choose to do what I can, fabulously!
- Clinton.Kelly

10. When nothing is sure, everything is possible. - Margaret.Drabble

11. Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be ok. - unknown (my personal favorite)

If you have a favorite quote, I'd love to see it.
Happy Tuesday everyone!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Good evening - hope everyone had a great day! I went for my massage (pain, pain, pain) BUT felt good after. My massage therapist said - "what have you been doing to yourself?" Quite a few tense muscles she had to work on. Decided I'd try Line Dancing after my massage and felt good after. Coffee with Line Dancing ladies, lunch at the Legion Hall with 5 other couples and then home! Our basement has been in a mess for the last week and after Stan had coffee in the afternoon, we got busy and cleaned it all up and got to sit downstairs to watch some programs on the big t.v. tonight.

Love your quotes Shannon and my three favorite ones are #5, #8 and #9. I have a favorite quote on a plaque that sits on top of my fridge.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.
If I ever had a speech to make, I would use this quote to say this about our children, their spouses and our grandsons. We are so proud of all of you and it does take our breath away just thinking of how well you are all doing. We love you - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Love the quotes and all the stuff you come up with. I like #4, not the fact of getting ahead, just getting started because that opens up so many avenues.

Since being here, in the wonderful humidity and lower elevation, not taking anything away from the new shoes, my running has improved every day. Today my goal was reached but I have a greater goal before I run for the last time on Monday. Not sure how it will go in Spain considering the heat. I may have to go back to walking but I sure hope not. Running is the ultimate high for me and always has been. To run again, without any pain, is truly a miracle.

Shopping again today. The Christmas shopping is getting done slowly but surely. We always seem to be near Costco at lunch time so that's our go to place. Had a wonderful dinner at Roseline and Peter's last night. Great food and great company. The wine was ok, lol.

Love to all

Denis & Irene said...

Love the quotes and all the stuff you come up with. I like #4, not the fact of getting ahead, just getting started because that opens up so many avenues.

Since being here, in the wonderful humidity and lower elevation, not taking anything away from the new shoes, my running has improved every day. Today my goal was reached but I have a greater goal before I run for the last time on Monday. Not sure how it will go in Spain considering the heat. I may have to go back to walking but I sure hope not. Running is the ultimate high for me and always has been. To run again, without any pain, is truly a miracle.

Shopping again today. The Christmas shopping is getting done slowly but surely. We always seem to be near Costco at lunch time so that's our go to place. Had a wonderful dinner at Roseline and Peter's last night. Great food and great company. The wine was ok, lol.

Love to all