Monday 7 October 2013

Week 2

A busy Sunday for the boys. They volunteered all afternoon at at KOS dualathon (run/bike/run) and had a lot of fun. They helped cheer on the kids that were participating and even ran with one of the competitors that was behind the pack. They helped with teardown and came home in time to work on homework and eat supper. Sterling headed off to his weekly Sunday volunteering gig and Kaedo opted to stay home and complete a school project (I don't even recognize that kid).

Needless to say, when they headed to bed they crashed hard.

Start of the week and a bit of a rough one but tomorrow is a better day. Have a good one everyone!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Great talking with you three. Good for you guys, nothing like big guys running with the people who need the help. Wow! Kaedo! When does homework ever come first? Good for you.

It will be a better day tomorrow, just enjoy. Easy for someone else to say but you have no idea how wonderful you really are.

Two weeks tomorrow! yay, can't wait!

Love to all