Monday 1 April 2013

week 27

Well, what a fuster cluck, as Sterling would say. Late last week our computer decided it no longer wanted to work. We have been without it for about 5 days and you really do not realize how much you come to depend on it. As such, the blog did not get the attention it so rightly deserved. Right now I am using Kaedo's computer to post this.  Added to all that, our internet and cable went down yesterday afternoon, not giving me the opportunity to post this photo on its appropriate day. The boys tell me that the cable and internet came back on-line at about midnight (yes, they were still up - no school today).

Short week for the boys and Sterling has an extra special field trip on Wednesday. He is going to a semi-pro (NHL farm team) hockey game, a visit to Chinatown, and tour around the base of the CN.Tower and a whole day with 80 of his fellow 9th graders. They have a really cool geography project to do with regard to their trip as well.

Kaedo is doing great and spent some time outside with Sterling over the weekend doing tricks on his scooter while Sterling took the pictures. Some of the shots are amazing and I am going to get Keado to go through them with me this week and tell me the names of the stunts. We had a blast taking one of the pictures in particular. I'll leave it to you to guess which one.

Our computer is still dead, but thanks to Craig we are slowly able to remove the content (pictures, video, documents) and save them to a new hard drive before he resets the computer to factory settings.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Great photo boys! As usual!!

You are so right, nothing worse than the computer being out of commission. I'd rather it be the microwave, even the cell. We are very thankful for the new computer we received even though it took a couple of days to get Windows 8 figured out. Haven't spent much time on it yet but look forward to getting some stuff done once we get home. Denis is going to Lethbridge tomorrow and I'm heading to Calgary either tonight or tomorrow, just depends what I'm asked to do.

Hope your field trip is going great Sterling. We know how interested you are in everything and your memory of places and events is remarkable. Enjoy!

Looking forward to the pictures of all the scooter tricks, Kaedo. You must be getting very proficient on it.

I have to download my old computer to my hard drive and then I'll take out the hard drive in case I ever need another one. Glad you're able to salvage all those wonderful photos, Craig.

Have a great rest of the week.
Love to all

This might come up as posted by Jessica, but it is Denis and Irene