Wednesday 3 April 2013


Today my oldest has gone to the BIG CITY to spend the day with 80 other 9th graders seeing a hockey game, walking through Chinatown, St.Lawrence Market and the CN.Tower. No big deal, right? Wrong! I'm a wreck! This is the first time he has gone without us and trust me, in high school there isn't the parental supervision you see in elementary. Even though they may need it more. LOL.

He was so excited this morning. I hope it turns out to be as wonderful a day as he is hoping for.

I know I have recently spoken about my anger with the peanuts situation, and so today I am extremely aware that he will be placed in many situations - hockey game vendors selling bags of peanuts, peanuts being thrown around, Chinatown - but I just have to hope that he will be vigilant and aware and take care of himself.

So today I have a stomach ache, one that will remain until I pick him up. This just reminds me that in 8 months he'll be driving. Oh god!


Denis & Irene said...

He'll be driving but there won't be any peanuts. Driving is the lesser evil. He is so responsible but he must be as vigilant driving as he will be making sure the peanut issue doesn't disrupt his fun. You both have him very aware and he is sooo responsible.

The stomach ache never goes away, Shannon, so you don't really have anything to look forward to, lol. I still get them when things go awry in yours and Jessica's lives.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

DITTO, DITTO, DITTO - Irene! Our aches never go away with children and now grandchildren that we hold so dear.

That picture of Sterling is so darn sweet. Hope you had a great day Sterling. By now you will have picked him up and he has told you of his wonderful time with his classmates. When you mention that in no time he will be driving - now that is very, very hard to believe. Good thing he's not having to learn on a standard - right Craig!

Also love the weekly photo of you two handsome fellows. Have a great short week.