Tuesday 9 April 2013

Still Laughing My Ass Off!

This morning Sterling and I had the following text conversation. I laughed so hard, it made my day. I am not changing any of the spelling, so beware of typos!

Sterling: I riped my unders in gym

Me: Hahahahahahahahaha!

Sterling: Ya i had to be fast when i was changing

Me: I bet. That's hilarious.

Sterling: Ya its pretty breezy down there   (sidenote - this is the funniest thing I`ve ever heard)

Me: Maybe you should start going commando to get used to it.

Sterling: No thanks

Me: I'm sorry, but this is so funny. I'm still laughing.

Sterling: lol its not comfertable

Me: No, but it sure is funny!

Sterling: I know its hillariouse


GrmpaGrmma said...

That is tooooo funny! Hope you made it home okay Sterling and didn't get too cold! Good thing you don't have as much snow as we do or you would have frozen your buns off.

We are watching the Canada/US girls hockey game and I just came up to get my slippers on and thought I'd check the blog and it made me laugh as well.

Hope the rest of your week goes well - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Shirley, I don't think it's his buns he was worried about, lol.

Oh Sterling, that is too funny! I love it. Your mom has a point though about commando. Nothing more comfortable when wearing jeans.

You two are a riot. This is definitely hilarious.