Sunday 14 April 2013

Week 29 and a Happy Birthday!

Happy Sunday! Can't believe the gnome picture is done and it isn't 8pm!

All is well here. The weather is so so but all in all it has been a good weekend. The boys are out with Craig having some 'dad time' and I am working on this and playing on the computer. This afternoon we have homework to complete, studying to do, a project to work on, and Craig has to work some as well.

Tonight the boys have their volunteering and then it is early to bed to start the week.

I want to wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom today. We sang full blast this morning (we were the best, I'm sure) and her and I had the chance to have an abbreviated Sunday morning chat. They are going to one of my fave restaurants for her birthday lunch - we actually had our rehearsal dinner there, way back in the day. Mom, we are wishing you a wonderful day - we love you and wish we were with you!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

It was a wonderful day and grandma made sure not to pass away on Jordy's birthday. For that I am forever grateful. She waited until 5 minutes before mine was over also, so thanks mom. It was a great day....except for all that snow.

Love to all